Friday 24 July 2020

Wheat गेहूँ GEHUN कनक kanak

Wheat गेहूँ GEHUN कनक kanak

GEHUN कनक kanak गेहूँ Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)  

WHEAT GRASS gehun ghas is a healthy drink for morning walk goers. 

Giloy ki dandi, a piece of kachchi haldi and a piece of aloevera when mixed with fresh WHEAT GRASS juice is good for health. 

WHEAT GRASS for home -- Sow wheat in any container in ur home. Plan10 clay or plastic trays 15 cm diameter and 6 cm depth for each member in family. Grind 7 to 9 days old wheat leaves adding water, strain the juice through a clean cloth into a cup or a glass. Juice must be drunk immediately on juicing, a healthy person can take 1/4 to 1/3 of a glass everyday

Multigrain Atta consisting of barley JAU, amaranthus CHOLAI, maize MAKKA,sorghum JOWAR, chickpea CHANA, water chestnut SINGHARA, soybean and bajra make healthier food

High quality bread wheat variety HD 3226 is resistant to Yellow, Brown and Black rust, Karnal bunt, Powdery mildew, loose smut and foot rot. It yields around 23 Qtl/Acre. GEHUN wheat HD 3226 for irrigated, timely sown conditions in NWPZ (except Kota and Udaipur), Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi), Jammu, Kathua, Una, Paonta H.P and Uttarakhand (Tarai region) . 

wheat गेहूँ ਕਣਕ kanak GEHUN HD 3086 (Pusa Gautami) for timely sown irrigated conditions in north western plain zone gaining plant ht 93 cm,matures in about 145 days and average grain yield is 20-21 Qtl/Acre. Possesses a high level of resistance against leaf and stripe rust. Also shows high degree of resistance against loose smut and flag smut.

PBW 725 variety of wheat gehun kanak is resistant to yellow and brown rust. It matures in about 154 days.Its average yield is 22.9 Qtl/Acre.This bread wheat variety PBW 725 is is a double dwarf variety with an average plant height of 105 cm

Unnat PBW 343 i.e.PBW 723 is an improved variety developed from PBW 343.This new variety PBW 723 has more resistance to yellow rust. It is recommended for North Western Plain Zone i.e. Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states. Wheat variety Unnat Halana (K9423) can be sowed even late and yields around 15 Qtl/Acre in 85 to 90 days.

गेहूँ बीज wheat seeds for timely sown irrigated condition Unnat PBW 343,PBW 343,Unnat PBW 550,PBW 550,PBW 725,PBW 677,Pusa Gautami (HD 3086),WH 1105,HD 2967, PBW 621,DPW 621-50(PBW 621 and DBW 50),WH 502,WH 542,HD 3043,WH 1025,DBW 88,WH 711,WH 1142,DBW17, HD 2189 are some well known wheat varieties. 

WH-1105 is resistant to yellow rust and less susceptible to Karnal bunt and loose smut diseases. It matures in about 157 days. Its average plant height of 97 cm with average grain yield is 23 Qtl/Acre

गेहूँ UP 2425 wheat is suitable for timely sown, matures in about 130 days. Its average plant height of 95 cm with average grain yield is 15 Qtl/Acre

Sharbati wheat of Madhya Pradesh and MP-1202 are well known for fine taste and soft quality roti chapati. MP Sharbati wheat is harvested exclusively for lustrous golden grain.
HI 8663 (Poshan) is a new variety known for its excellent grain quality, high and stable yield
HD 7882 (Vidisha)- Good for chapati making, resistant to brown and black rusts. It matures in 110- 115 days

HD 3059 (Pusa Pachheti) for late sown irrigated conditions of north western plains zone.It is resistant to yellow rust and brown rust.An average plant height of 93 cm.It takes about 121 days to mature

HD 2894 matures in about 120 days and average grain yield is 20 Qtl/Acre

Wheat GEHU kanak variety DBW 71,also a high yielding bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety for late sown cultivation under and irrigated conditions of the North Western Plain Zone (NWPZ) of India.Plant height is 90 cm and yields between 17-18 Qtl/Acre in 119 days.It has high protein content (13.4%)and better grain appearance

Wheat KANAK Gehu varieties VL Gehun 829, VL Gehun 892, VL Gehun 832 and VL Gehun 907 are cultivated in northern mountain belts. Wheat variety VL 804 matures in about 130 days. Its average plant height of 105 cm with average grain yield is 15 Qtl/Acre. It is resistant to yellow stripe rust, loose smut, brown-leaf rust.

durum WHEAT variety HD 4713 (Pusa Wheat – 110)



Seed dressing fungicides like Thiram and Captan have been widely used in various crops.WHEAT seed can also with Captan or Thiram @ 3 g/kg seed for the control of root rot, foot rot, seedling blight, black tip and black spot of glumes. Captan and Thiram treatment should not be done earlier than one month of sowing as it affects seed germination

Seed treatment before sowing the crop is useful in reducing losses. Before sowing treat the seed with Tebuconazole 2DS e.g.Raxil, Bayer @ 40g or seed treatment with Carboxin e.g.Vitavax, Dhanuka @ 80 g or premix Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5%  e.g. Vitavax Power, Dhanuka @120 g per 40 kg seed

pre-mix combination of Carboxin 17.5 %+ Thiram 17.5 % FF (e.g.Provax 200 FF, Chemtura; Viatvax Ultra, Dhanuka) can be done to prevent loose smut and flag smut. Seed treatment should be done with seed treating drum. Vitavax Ultra may be applied @ 2.5 ml/kg wheat seed

pre-mix formulations of 3 fungicides in 1 pack (Tebuconazole + Prothioconazole + Metalaxyl),e.g. Raxil Easy,a seed treatment product for the control of loose smut disease in wheat.

Seed Treatment of Wheat GEHUN Kanak with seed dressing fungicide pre-mix combination of Carboxin 17.5 %+ Thiram 17.5 % FF (e.g. Provax 200 FF, Chemtura; Viatvax Ultra, (Dhanuka) can be done to prevent loose smut and flag smut. Seed treatment should be done with seed treating drum

gehun kanak WHEAT seed treatment with Flowable Suspension fungicide such as Tebuconazole 5.4% FS is an effective wheat seed treatment to prevent loose smut disease and flagsmut disease.It is also effective in preventing,root rot,collar rot and wilt disease in some crops. Tebuconazole 25.9% EC is a broad spectrum fungicide to manage diseases such as rice blast,sheath blight in rice,onion purple blotch,chilli fruit rot and rust in groundnut

Loose smut of wheat caused by fungus Ustilago tritici is a common disease throughout the wheat-growing regions. कंडुवा रोग बीज जनित रोग है। The name loose smut describes the characteristic symptoms of the diseased heads as they extend from the boot in late spring. The kernels and glumes (chaff) are converted into black fungal spores which blow away, leaving only a sooty appearing rachis or spike. 

Another fungus Urocystis agropyri causes flag smut diseases in wheat.Infected leaves and leaf sheaths exhibit white to yellow streaks that turn grey and then black. The leaves may droop and be thin and stunted with grass-like appearance.झंडा कंडुवा रोग पत्तियों को प्रभावित करता है

Use disease-free seed to prevent Karnal bunt disease in wheat. This disease is caused by fungus Nevossia indica. गेहूँ का करनाल बंट रोग संक्रमण होने पर दाना काला पड़ जाता है और खाने योग्य नहीं रहता। Incidence is more during during Feb- March due to fluctuating weather conditions

Yellow rust of wheat पीला रतुआ अथवा पीला गेरूआ रोग Yellow-Peela Ratua also known as stripe rust,caused by Puccinia striiformis- Ek FAFOONDI se hone waali beemari.This disease appears if cold temperature with intermittent rains prevail.Spray the crop with Propiconazole 25 EC e.g.Tilt,Syngenta @ 1 ml / litre water using power sprayer or tractor mounted boom sprayers.

Brown rust or leaf rust in wheat is caused by the fungus Puccinia recondita भूरा रतुआ अथवा भूरा गेरूआ रोग में गोल या अण्डाकार धब्बे पत्ती के ऊपरी हिस्से पर दिखाई देते है

Growing rust resistant varieties like WH 1105, HD 3086, PBW 725, PBW 677 or tolerant varieties such as PBW 621, DBW-17 and PBW-550 especially in rust prone areas.  Spray the crop with Propiconazole 25 EC e.g.Tilt, Syngenta @ 1 ml / litre water using power sprayer or tractor mounted boom sprayers

Rusts and powdery mildew in wheat may also be managed by using premix combination fungicides like Azoxystrobin 11 % + Tebuconazole 18 % (e.g.Custodia, Makhteshim Agan)

Tebuconazole is a systemic triazole fungicide which act against a wide spectrum of diseases in many crops by protective, curative and eradicative action.They inhibit the reproduction and further growth of the target fungus by interfering in the process of building the structure of the fungal cell wall.

Nativo 75 WG,Bayer contains a formulation of Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin which is effective in managing sheath blight disease in rice field.

Propiconazole and Tebuconazole जैसे फफूंदी नाशी को पानी में घोलकर छिडकें .......... just to manage spot blotch disease in wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana.


Soil Test Report should be seen before sowing new crop.

GYPSUM जिप्सम खरिया मिट्टी @ 100 kg per acre at the time of sowing when WHEAT is grown in sandy soil, and the soil test report says the field is deficient in sulfur. The symptoms of sulphur deficiency in cereal crop show uniform chlorosis first appearing on new leaves. In case of sulphur deficiency in wheat, the upper leaves become light green and later on yellow but the lower leaves remain green

Apply MICRONUTRIENTS to correct the deficiency of manganese and SULPHUR WHEAT - In case of sulphur deficiency, the upper leaves become light green and later on yellow but the lower leaves remain green. Sulphur S is a secondary macronutrient and its a structural component of some amino acids and vitamins. Sulfur is not a part of chlorophyll molecule but needed for formation of chloroplasts

MICRONUTRIENT Deficiency in WHEAT - In light textured soils, where wheat follows paddy, manganese deficiency generally appears. The interveinal portion of the middle leaves become light greyish yellow to pinkish brown and the veins remain green, forming strips. 

Wheat crop may show symptoms of zinc deficiency after application of first irrigation in case of light textured and reclaimed soils. Third and fourth leaves of wheat plant from the top become yellow in the middle, while the tip and bottom remain green. Approx. 25 kg zinc sulphate (21%) per acre may be broadcasted by mixing with the same quantity of dry soil

Urea, DAP or SSP, Potash fertilizers could be applied in reduced quantity in loamy sand soil as compared to sandy loam soil 

Urea may be applied @ 50 kg/acre with first irrigation in normal light soils. Urea application at later stage in wheat gehu kanak crops may be done on the basis of fertilizer applied to previous crop,soil test report or by using leaf colour chart LCC

Nematode disease infested WHEAT field निमाटोड डिशीज

Use of gall-free seed would minimize loss.The infested seed lot should be floated in 2 percent solution of salt and water or brine solution for this purpose The galls will float on the surface. These should be separated and destroyed away from the field by burning. The seed should be thoroughly washed to remove the salt solution before sowing

गेहूँ का ममनी रोग अथवा सेहू रोग Galls ममनी are produced in wheat infected with ear cockle disease.Earheads contain dark brown,hard and roundish galls called mamni, instead of grains सेहू रोग,caused by seed gall nematode Anguina tritici. क्रिमी कीट प्रभावित पौधे पर निष्फल बालियां उत्पन्न होती है। क्रिमी कीट Anguina tritici in combination with the bacterium Rathayibacter tritici causes yellow ear rot or tundu disease. It leads to parallel yellow or white streaks along leaf veins

Molya disease of wheat is caused by cyst forming nematode Heterodera avenae.सिस्ट सूत्रकुमि हीटेरोडेरा ऐवनी की मादा पुटक समान जड़ से लगी रहती है,पौधे के जड़े में बहुत सारी शाखायें हो जाती है,रोगी पौधा बौना रह जाता है। Galls are produced in wheat infected with ear cockle disease सेहू रोग,caused by seed gall nematode Anguina tritici.प्रभावित पौधे पर निष्फल बालियां उत्पन्न होती है। Anguina tritici in combination with the bacterium Rathayibacter tritici causes yellow ear rot or tundu disease.It leads to parallel yellow or white streaks along leaf veins


Herbicides for common weed management in Wheat/GEHUN/Kanak/Pisi ke KHARPATWARNASHAK खरपतवारनाशी - घास - फूस नाशी

1.Clodinafop-Propargyl 15 WP (e.g. Topik, SYNGENTA;Lavana,FMC;Jhatka,UPL;Avtar,CRYSTAL,Point;NAGARJUNA,Sartaj,TATA Rallis;Moolah,CHEMTURA;Chopper,Du PONT;Clodinox,JUBILANT;Visa,CHAMBAL;Arjun,JRPL) for management of Gulli Danda(Phalaris) weed in wheat crop
2.Sulfosulfuron 75 WG (e.g.Leader,Sumitomo;SF-10,UPL;Fateh,TATA Rallis,Kaiser,IIL;Nishan,CRYSTAL;Vita,CHAMBAL) for management of Gulli Danda(Phalaris) and broad leaf weeds like Bathu(Amaranthus),Kandiali Palak
3.Metsulfuron Methyl 20 % WP (e.g.Algrip,Du Pont)-Bathu,Dokanni,Kandiali Palak,Maina,Billi Buti,Rari
4.Sulfosulfuron 75%+ Metsulfuron Methyl 5% WG (e.g.Brackett,Du Pont and Total,UPL)- Gulli Danda,Jangli Palak,Bathu,Kandiali Palak,Billi Buti,Maina
5.Mesosulfuron-methyl 3%+Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 0.6% WG -(e.g.Atlantis,Bayer)- Gulli Danda,Maina,Bathu,Kandiali Palak,Jangli Palak,Billi Buti,Dokanni,Pitpapra
6.Pinoxaden - e.g.AXIAL(Syngenta) for managing Wild Oats, Phalaris and Annual Ryegrass in wheat.

गेहूँ की फसल में घासपत्ती वाले खरपतवार नियंत्रण Axial, Syngenta; Melsa,PI Ind is Pinoxaden 5.1% EC herbicide for गेहूँ में गुल्ली डंडा Gulli Danda (फैलेरिस माइनर) Phalaris minor or Gehu ka mama गेहूँ का मामा or madusi or gehusa खरपतवार नियंत्रण and other grassy weeds such as little seed canary grass (Phalaris minor) and normal wild oats (Avena ludoviciana) in wheat applied 30-35 days after sowing  @ 400 ml/acre after first irrigation. 

गेहूँ में हर्बिसाइड Pinoxaden is recommended to be applied using a knapsack sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle. 

Spray herbicides at noon during the bright sunny days after evaporation of dew from the plant surface. spray weedicides on the weeds approx. 1.5 feet high above the wheat crop for effective control of weeds

Sulfosulfuron 75 WG e.g.Leader, Sumitomo; SF-10, UPL; Fateh, TATA Rallis, Kaiser, IIL; Nishan, CRYSTAL; Vita, CHAMBAL for गेहूँ में गुल्ली डंडा Gulli Danda (फैलेरिस माइनर) Phalaris minor or Gehu ka mama गेहूँ का मामा or madusi or gehusa खरपतवार नियंत्रण Spray Sulfosulfuron 75 WG @ 13 gm in 150 litres of water at before first irrigation 14-21 days of sowing wheat. Sulfosulfuron based herbicides is not for fields where jowar and maize are to be sown after wheat crop, also if any broad leaf crop is sown in wheat

गेहूँ में गुल्ली डंडा Gulli Danda (फैलेरिस माइनर) Phalaris minor or Gehu ka mama गेहूँ का मामा or madusi or gehusa खरपतवार नियंत्रण by Clodinafop-Propargyl 15 WP (e.g. Topik, SYNGENTA; Lavana,FMC; Jatka,UPL; Avtar,CRYSTAL, Point;NAGARJUNA, Sartaj,TATA Rallis; Moolah,CHEMTURA; Chopper,Du PONT; Lucifer,BAYER ,Clodinox,JUBILANT; Visa,CHAMBAL; Arjun,JRPL
Clodinafop-Propargyl 15 WP (e.g. Topik, SYNGENTA) spray @ 160 g in 150 litres water after 30-35 days of sowing wheat

गेहूँ की फसल में चौड़ी पत्ती वाले खरपतवार नियंत्रण 

Metsulfuron methyl 20 WP (e.g.Algrip,Du Pont) @ 10 g/acre may be sprayed at 30-35 days of wheat sowing for the control of broadleaf weeds such as Bathu बथुआ Chenopodium album ,Dokanni,Kandiali Palak Rumex , Melilotus indica, Medicago spp,Maina,Billi Buti,Rari etc

गेहूँ की फसल में चौड़ी पत्ती वाले खरपतवार बटन बूटी Malva sp हिरणखुरी hirankhuri, मकोय Solanum sp. (Makoi) etc weeds at 2-3 leaf stage or 25-30 days of wheat sowing may be controlled by Carfentrazone 40 DF e.g. Affinity (Du Pont) @ 20 g/acre using 200 litre of water

चौड़ी पत्ती वाले खरपतवार नियंत्रण गेहूँ की फसल में कृष्णनील Anagallis arvensis, छोटी दुधी, जंगली चौलार्इ चिनीयारी, बथुआ, चनौरी, ढेकना, सेंजी आदि i.e.makoh,kandiali palak, rari/rewari, हिरणखुरी hirankhuri !!!!!! pre-mix herbicide in dry flowable formulation such as carfentrazone-ethyl 40% + metsulfuron-methyl 10% e.g. Lanfida 50 DF (DuPont) may be applied @ 20 g/acre at 25-30 days after sowing.hey are mixed with water and applied in a spray exactly like a wettable powder formulation

Lanfida 50 DF, DuPont is a herbicide premix carfentrazone-ethyl 40% + metsulfuron-methyl 10% formulation for wheat fields having broadleaf weeds like makoh मको Solanum nigrum, kandiali palak कंडयाली पालक Rumex spinosus, rari/rewari ररी/मुनमुना Vicia hirsuta, hirankhuri हिरणखुरी Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed) applied 25-30 days after sowing wheat

Bayer Puma Power 10 EC i.e. Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl is used to manage Phalaris minor weed i.e.Gulli danda at post-emergence stage after first irrigation around 30-35 days of sowing in wheat field. herbicide premix of fenoxaprop(8%) and metribuzin (14%) Accord Plus 22 EC,Bayer @ 500 ml in 150 litre water 30-35 days of sowing wheat in wheat for control of Phalaris minor and broad leaf weeds

Atlantis 3.6 WDG, Bayer is also sprayed for the control of both grasses and broadleaf weeds namely Gulli Danda, Maina, Bathu ,Kandiali Palak, Jangli Palak, Billi Buti, Dokanni, Pitpapra etc in wheat
खरपतवार नियंत्रण by Mesosulfuron-methyl 3%+Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 0.6% WG (e.g.Atlantis,Bayer) @ 160 g in 150 litre water and 500 ml surfactant 30-35 days of sowing wheat

Total,UPL and Brackett,Du Pont contain combination of Sulfosulfuron 75% + Metsulfuron methyl 5% WG to manage wheat crop weeds such as Phalaris minor Gulli Danda, Rumex spp. Jangli Palak, Chenopodium spp. Bathu, Medicago denticulata, Coronopos dedymus, Melilotus alba, Anagallis arvensis, Kandiali Palak, Billi Buti, Maina etc. It is not for fields where jowar and maize are to be sown after wheat crop. Grass and broadleaf weeds can simultaneously be controlled by applying combination herbicide Sulfosulfuron 75% + Metsulfuron methyl 5% WG @ 16 g in 150 litre water and 500 ml surfactant 30-35 days of sowing wheat
Herbicide weedicide हर्बिसाइड Kharpatwaar nashak Nadeen nashak KAKH nashak premix Clodinafop propargyl 15%+ Metsulfuron methyl 1% WP e.g.Vesta(UPL) application @ 160 g/acre with surfactant provided, at 30-35 days after sowing provides control of grassy weed such as Phalaris minor (Gulli Danda) and Avena fatua(Jangi Jaee) and many more along with broad leaved species viz.,Chenopodium album(Bathu),Medicago denticulata(Jangli Methi) and Rumex spp.(Jangli Palak) and many more

Herbicide weedicide हर्बिसाइड Kharpatwaar nashak Nadeen nashak KAKH nashak premix Metribuzin 42%+ Clodinafop-propargyl 12 % WG e.g.Shagun 21-11(UPL) can be applied @ 200 g/acre with surfactant provided at 30-35 days after sowing, for the control of both grasses and broadleaf weeds

ZERO TILLAGE in Wheat Crop

Wheat seed is placed onto a saturated soil surface without any land preparation. Happy Seeder is a tractor-mounted machine that cuts and lifts rice STRAW and at the time of SOWING WHEAT. 

Surface seeding is the simplest zero-tillage system after rice harvesting. 

Zero Till Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill is used in unprepared field for sowing wheat seeds


Kisan Jankari Abhiyan - KIJA किसान जानकारी अभियान

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक

TIMELY sown irrigated conditions 

HD 3086 समय से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में gehun ki kism टाइमली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती समय से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय पर बुवाई के लिए, सिंचित परिस्थितियों में

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक HD 3086 wheat variety एच डी 3086 गेहूं किस्म ਕਣਕ kanak GEHUN (Pusa Gautami) for timely sown irrigated conditions in north western plain zone gaining plant ht 93 cm, matures in about 145 days and average grain yield is 20-21 Qtl/Acre

Possesses a high level of resistance against leaf and stripe rust. Also shows high degree of resistance against loose smut and flag smut.

TIMELY sown irrigated conditions HD 2967 समय से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में gehun ki kism टाइमली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती समय से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय पर बुवाई के लिए, सिंचित परिस्थितियों में

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक HD 2967 wheat variety एच डी 2967 गेहूं किस्म HD 2967- 101 cm;matures in 157 days; av. yield of 21-22 Qtl/Acre (app..upto 4 Qtl/Bigha)

It is moderately resistant to yellow rust and resistant to brown rust and less susceptible to Karnal bunt and loose smut disease

restricted irrigation - TIMELY sown

restricted irrigated conditions -- TIMELY sown conditions सीमित सिंचाई और समय से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में gehun ki kism टाइमली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती समय से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय पर बुवाई के लिए, सीमित सिंचित परिस्थितियों में Pusa Wheat 3369 (HD 3369) 

Open Pollinated Variety of BREAD wheat HD 3369 for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, (except kota and Udaipur divisions), Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi division), parts of Jammu and Kashmir (Kathua district), parts of Himachal Pradesh (Una district &Paonta valley) and Uttarakhand (tarai region)

Restricted irrigation refers to irrigations at critical crop growth stage like CRI and Boot leaf stage in wheat crop. CRI stage crown root initiation is generally 21 days after sowing while boot leaf stage in wheat is that when the head begins to form inside the flag leaf

restricted irrigated conditions -- TIMELY sown conditions सीमित सिंचाई और समय से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में gehun ki kism टाइमली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती समय से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय पर बुवाई के लिए, सीमित सिंचित परिस्थितियों में HD 3237 for cultivation under timely sown, restricted irrigation conditions of North Western Plains Zone (NWPZ)

HD 3237 (Pusa wheat 3237) is a bread wheat variety for timely sown, restricted irrigation conditions in NWPZ. It is resistant against yellow and brown rusts

LATE sown conditions

Late sown conditions HD 3059 देरी से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में Pachheti kism पछेती बुवाई लेट सोन कन्डीशन् खेती देर से बोना 

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक HD 3059 for NWPZ एच डी 3059 गेहूं किस्म GEHUN (Pusa Pachheti) for late sown irrigated conditions of north western plains zone. It is resistant to yellow rust and brown rust. An average plant height of 93 cm. It takes about 121 days to mature

Late sown conditions HD 3298 देरी से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में Pachheti kism पछेती बुवाई लेट सोन कन्डीशन् खेती देर से बोना 

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक एच डी 3298 गेहूं किस्म GEHUN HD 3298 is recommended for very late sown irrigated condition of NWPZ North Western Plain Zone. HD 3298 is a Bio-fortified wheat variety with high Fe content (43.1 %) and good level protein content (12.12 %)

Late sown conditions HD 3390 देरी से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में Pachheti kism पछेती बुवाई लेट सोन कन्डीशन् खेती देर से बोना 

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक एच डी 3390 गेहूं किस्म GEHUN HD 3390 is recommended for late sown irrigated condition of Delhi State / NCR

Late sown conditions देरी से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में Pachheti kism पछेती बुवाई लेट सोन कन्डीशन् खेती देर से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक एच डी 3271 गेहूं किस्म GEHUN HD 3271 is recommended for very late sown irrigated condition of North Western Plain Zone (NWPZ) and North Eastern Plain Zone (NEPZ)

Conservation Agriculture (CA)  

Conservation agriculture (CA) is a farming system that promotes minimum soil disturbance (i.e. no-till farming), maintenance of a permanent soil cover, and diversification of plant species. संरक्षण कृषि खेती में जमीन को या तो बिल्कुल भी नहीं जोता जाता (जुताई रहित कृषि) या फिर कम से कम जुताई होती है।

Late sown conditions देरी से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में Pachheti kism पछेती बुवाई लेट सोन कन्डीशन् खेती देर से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक

HD 3117 For Late Sown Irrigated Conditions Under Conservation Agriculture Environments of Delhi State / NCR. 

Wheat variety HD CSW 18 was released for early sown under conservation agriculture condition of Delhi and NCR region. 

It can escape high temperature at maturity due to early seeding and can also tolerate high temperature at seedling stage

EARLY sown conditions

EARLY sown conditions HD 3226 अगेती बुवाई परिस्थितियों में ageti kism अगेती बुवाई अर्ली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती जल्दी बोना 

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय से पहले बुवाई परिस्थितियों में HD 3226 for NWPZ, early sown irrigated conditions of north western plains zone उत्तर पश्चिमी मैदान क्षेत्र में पंजाब, हरियाणा, दिल्ली, राजस्थान (कोटा और उदयपुर संभाग को छोड़कर), पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश (झांसी डिवीजन को छोड़कर), जम्मू और कश्मीर का जम्मू और कठुआ जिला, ऊना जिला, हिमाचल प्रदेश और उत्तराखंड का पनोटा घाटी (तराई क्षेत्र) North Western Plain Zone comprising of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (Except Kota and Udaipur Divisions), Western Uttar Pradesh (Except Jhansi Division), Jammu and Kathua district of J&K, Una district and Paonta Valley of H.P and Uttarakhand (Tarai region)

EARLY sown conditions HD 3410 अगेती बुवाई परिस्थितियों में ageti kism अगेती बुवाई अर्ली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती जल्दी बोना 

Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय से पहले बुवाई परिस्थितियों में HD-3410 plant height is 100-105 cm. It requires short period of low winter temperatures for initiation of flowering-heading stage i.e. emergence of the wheat head from the leaf sheath of the flag leaf, in 100-110 days. Early sowing of wheat, at the risk of premature flowering (anther release stage), hd3410 minimizes the quality loss caused by heat stress during the grain formation and development stage, as is observed in timely sown wheat varieties in Irrigated Conditions of Delhi State / NCR.

NEPZ Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal are example of North Eastern Plains Zone

NEPZ Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक Pusa wheat 3249 HD 3249 for timely sown irrigated conditions of North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ) matures in 122- 125 days, is 95cm tall, 77-80 days to flower 

wheat variety HD 3249 एच डी 3249 गेहूं किस्म GEHUN for Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam and plains of north eastern states i.e. North Eastern Plain Zone (NEPZ) timely sown irrigated conditions

NEPZ Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक HD 3406 for North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ)

HD 3406 has resistance to leaf rust, stem rust, and stripe rust diseases 

NEPZ Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक HD 3411 for North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ) timely sown 

restricted irrigation - TIMELY sown NEPZ

Restricted irrigation refers to irrigations at critical crop growth stage like CRI and Boot leaf stage in wheat crop. CRI stage crown root initiation is generally 21 days after sowing while boot leaf stage in wheat is that when the head begins to form inside the flag leaf

restricted irrigated conditions - NEPZ- TIMELY sown conditions सीमित सिंचाई और समय से बुवाई परिस्थितियों में gehun ki kism टाइमली सोन कन्डीशन् खेती समय से बोना Wheat व्हीट् KANAK गेहूँ GEHUN कनक समय पर बुवाई के लिए, सीमित सिंचित परिस्थितियों में HD 3293

wheat variety HD 3293 एच डी 3293 गेहूं किस्म GEHUN for Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam and plains of north eastern states i.e. North Eastern Plain Zone (NEPZ) timely sown restricted irrigated conditions. It matures in 129 days; yield 15-16 Qtl/Acre. Its resistant again Wheat Blast, Leaf and Stripe rust
